
Message from the Chair of the Board of Governance

The London School of Business & Computing has implemented a robust Board of Governance, featuring the school’s directors, senior managers, and a cadre of independent external members renowned for their diverse expertise. This esteemed body collaborates to shape and oversee the strategic direction of the institution.

The structure of the Board aligns closely with the guidance outlined in the Higher Education Code of Governance. Notably, the London School of Business and Computing distinguishes itself among small independent colleges by establishing such a comprehensive Board. In addition to professionals in finance, law, funding, and quality, the school has appointed a student member to ensure diverse perspectives. The outcomes of Board meetings are transparent and accessible to students and other stakeholders.

Serving as Chair of the Board of Governance is both a pleasure and a privilege.

Dr. Syed Sajid Hussain Shah Kazmi

Chair of the Board of Governance

London School of Business & Computing